Do you have a good memory? Do we really need to remember all those thing in school and take a test on them? Is it really necessary? What if I just have an average memory? Studies show most of our memory problems are not a lack of ability, but lack of training. But, why would we need to build and train a memory habit machine? Really, why do all that training? We have books, notes, pictures, videos, hard drives,the cloud all to store information. We don’t need to remember or memorize stuff. All we need is a system or habit machine to find or recall the information when we need the information. Even here, search engines will do that for us too! Hey, we don’t need to train either of these machines. Why would you spend time training either of these habit machines anyway?
Yes, we could train our minds to remember vast amounts of information. We could create and train machines to become memory champions. Yes, an average mind can be trained to win a memory championship. The average guy or gal could get a memorizing machine built, and work it out until it was strong. Any average mind? Did I say build and train? Do you do that? We don’t do it because remembering, memorizing is just a bunch of stupid tricks anyway. It’s not real memory, it’s just memory tricks.
But wait, don’t all machines have tricks or mechanisms that allow them to work. Maybe the mind works, or has mechanisms, that allow it to do some amazing Olympian things. Memory tricks or mechanisms allow average people to remember amazing things, don’t they? The tricks or mechanisms are mostly known or can be found out. The training, …… most people don’t intentionally train their minds, do you? Training might just be a seperator a differentiator, between the average person and an Olympian.
The memory Olympics look at the building of a single kind of habit machine, memory. But we have thinking machines, observing machines, planing machines, scheduling machines, ….. All sorts of machines. Police and detectives observe and look for and find clues to solve crimes. My wife’s observations are habitually more toward family and how the whole family thing goes together and works. My son and granddaughter have social observing machines. It’s automatic. Me, I miss a lot of stuff. I don’t think I really see it. I don’t have those machines and miss all that stuff. I’m sure I could be trained, If there was some Observation Olympics and I wanted to do it. But why?
I brush my teeth after rinsing for 30 seconds with anti-tartar wash and flossing. I do this everyday, but I can’t say I’m training for speed or cleanliness. I do it but there is no Olympian goal or purpose to the doing. I guess if there was some teeth brushing Olympics, I could train and improve if I knew the criteria I was being judged on.
My problem solving machine, asks for what caused it, then digs back further to what caused that last thing, then what cause this very last thing or until I can find something I can get a handle on and solve the problem. What caused the great Depression? The market crash. What caused the market to crash? Panic and fear cause the market to crash. What caused the panic and fear? The unstable money situation and rumors. What caused the unstable money and rumors? ……. I call it the dig back to the source machine. If this was an Olympic machine competition, I wonder what criteria would be important? Speed maybe? Final source? How elaborate each step is? Sequence or breakdown? Is there any style or form? I’m sure, I would be at least an 8. How would I train to become a 9?
What about the interpretive Olympic machines. Facts, data, picture would be given and all the possible scenarios that would explain the situation would be considered. Say the date on the data may have some clues. The location where the data came from could have meaning. The amount or type of data may have some meaning. This could be police stuff or a business set of data or a social set of data or a political set of data or ….. This is sort of the Sherlock Holmes stuff. The data on the person: hair on the clothes, dirt on the shoes, smell of the breath, stain on the collar, words in their vocabulary, …… what do you make of it?
Hey, do you do this already? “Watch out the boss is in a bad mood.” How do you know? >> He hasn’t left his office for hours, his door is always open. His secretary is digging through old files, and she never does that. He asked to see me at noon and didn’t elaborate. He just said, “Be there!” I’ve heard he’s planning to talk to all of us. How did I develop this machine? Did I train it to get so good? I don’t remember training, but I am good. I know.
What set of habit machines do mothers of toddlers have? Could they be trained and developed? If there was a toddler mom habit machinery Olympics, what might be some of the events? Kiss the boo boo or hurt machine competition? Feed the baby their vegetables machine competition? Get the child to take a nap machine competition? Get your child to share competition? This might even be modified slightly and used for the Babysitter Olympics.
How would these moms or babysitters train? Are their special techniques? Do certain coaches have preferred methods? What would it really take to be an Olympian and take first place, the Gold?
What would the Olympics for your job look like? What would be the events? Would there be different techniques and methods? How would you train. Would certain routines give you an advantage? What would you really have to do to get the Gold?
What other kind of Olympics? Raising Kids Olympics? Investing Olympics? Social Olympics? ….. All sorts of Olympics! What habit machines would be important to build and train? How would you go about training them? Do you train? Do you know how to train? Where would you learn how to train yourself? What does it take to be able to train yourself to get the Gold?
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