It is said many people who win the lottery are broke or in debt a few years after winning the lottery. How did that happen? What kind of money machine do they have? Me, I have the spend all I have machine. I’m not outrageous. I just have things I need to buy. They really are essential things. I’m not wasting my money. Don’t be laughing, that’s probably your machine too! Well, it can’t be everybody's machine, because there are those weird people who have savings, investments and still have money to give. That type of machine seems so impossible to me. But at least, I’m better than the spend more than you have machines. I was headed there and the debt trained me right up. But, I’ve known others that just claim bankruptcy and start over again.
How do we get these machines? “Here a dollar honey. Go get yourself a treat. Give me back any change.” Is that a incentive to spend it all or what? And the reward of a treat for spending it all. This is good training. So simple, so clean, just spend, spend, spend as a kid and live paycheck to paycheck the rest of your life. What a machine! What a training!
I have no idea how to train a kid so he ended up with a money machine that gave a little, saved a little, invested a little and still got a treat. Maybe it went like this. “Here’s a two dollars (eight quarters). This is your money. Go put a quarter in your piggy bank. Go put a quarter in your church box for the poor. Go buy some art supplies you wanted and a treat for you and your brother.” Maybe they bought the piggy bank and talked about how this was money for emergency or some special project in the future. They might have talked about a art project and some 50 cent crayons would be of great value. Sharing and giving your brother a treat might have been initially trained earlier. Hey, I don’t know, I didn’t get one of those machines. Did you?
I’ve heard people that penny pinch to get ahead and become wealthy. Now that they are wealth, they are still penny pinchers, even though at that level the relative value of penny pinching isn’t cost effective. Spend a dollar to save a penny (a dollar of time, effort or money). The machine worked and they got wealthy (rewarded) and the machine persists. They seem to be stuck with the machine and can’t change and truly enjoy the wealth they have accumulated. It’s almost like they get more reward or value from penny pinching than their accumulated wealth. They are definitely stuck and probably don’t even know it or care.
I talked to one gentlemen and asked what he thought when he was working with money. He replied, “My personal money or my personal business money?” Hey, I don’t have two kinds of money, do you? Do you think different with each one? “Yes, of course.” he replied. Do you have two kinds of money and money machines? How do you think each machine worked. More importantly, how do you think he set it up and trained the two habit machines and systems?
I’ve heard the advice: pay yourself first. This has always been hard for me. It means save money and invest in your future, but for me it means spend on all the projects I couldn’t afford until now. When you get some extra money in your hands, what are your first thoughts? You got trained to have these automatic thoughts, how do you think it happened? If you were going to have new first thoughts, how would you go about training them. Did you ever sit down, strategize, plan and come up with a machine that would automatically take you to your financial destiny? Did you consider you might be stuck with it like the penny pinchers, when you get there? Or do you have a new training geared up when you obtain a certain wealth? Planning and strategizing are good, but it’s the money machine that is activated when you get money in your hands. How are you going to train yourself and build a money machine that is right for you, and maybe even for the lottery.
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