We are sinners and “fixed” for the moment. The past is done and over and we are who we are, right now. Deep breath, relax and forgive. Accept you are who you are, right now. Life is as it is, right now. Deep breath, relax, and let it be, it has to be that way! Accept and forgive yourself. Life has to be as it is, all the people in your life have to be as they are, they are habit machines, creatures of habit. They are trained to be, to intend and to do as they do. They are creatures of habit, habit machines, just like us. The physical world does as it does, following the rules of the universe. Gravity and other things in the world just are the way they are. Deep breath, relax and accept and let it be done. For the moment I am a sinner, but most importantly, for the moment I am fixed. …. accept and be with who I am and where I find myself, …. know and be forgiving enough to accept, but also let me be confident I can grow. Allow myself to be supported and confident my future is for me to grow and take control of. That is who I am and becoming.
Love myself as capable to change and clean up any mess. Be thankful for the opportunity, the possibility, the ability to grow and change. The seeing and perceiving myself as a capable growing habit machine and loving myself as the person I am becoming. To love myself with compassion and and empathy for my present feelings as part of my future growth on my road to success. With my love for myself, my love for my family, community and world, I see all the amazing opportunities, possibilities I could be part of and ready for me to bringing forth. I am thankful for them and acknowledge them each one by one. It makes them real to me as I appreciate them and see how I can grow and make them happen for me.
When I stop and think of a better future, I am tempted to see the world changing to take care of me. I am tempted by the helpless feeling and give up my powers. But I am developing the eyes of a Mother that sees me as the person that grows, becomes strong an envisions possibilities as becoming a president, doctor, or whatever amazing person in a world that is (long term - big dream). With the eyes of a Mother I see myself able to grow and be stronger in the same old impossible world world. It just looks and feels differently, just because of who I am becoming. I am seeing myself as amazing, strong, growing, developing person. I am becoming the amazing person my Mom’s eyes sees. These eyes allows the world to express itself differently.
To love myself and be able to see myself as someone really important, not some limited small fixed person I once saw myself as. Could Abe Lincoln’s Mom ever truly predict he would be president? Her eyes just knew he would be great. We don’t know our path or situation. Accepting, forgiving, thankfully seeing possibility, opportunity, no matter how small, allows us to grow and become. Loving myself, loving my life, growing myself and moving myself forward is my quest. My present situation may not be or feel very good and that’s just the way it is. With the eyes of a Mother, I continuously focus on loving and growing myself and the world into a better place.
What will my objective be for today? Every day I am creating myself. My marketing of my future, catching myself doing the littlest thing of my new person. It’s the littlest things that add up and count. The road to success will be abundant failures and little wins, it’s just the way it is. Even the failures will become exciting signs of being on the road to success. Continuously doing something, catching myself doing something and being on the road to success. It might work and it might not. Holding onto the little wins and building my machine to get this part on automatic.
I have opened myself up to seeing the world as supporting and encouraging my growth and becoming. I see myself learning, adjusting, modifying and building myself, my habit machine, my creature of habit on my road to success. My initial practice may be undistracted and safe, but I know I must take it out in the real world to get the machine solid. I steadily test, challenge build my habit machine in many distracted and and dangerous environment for what I am doing. The world is as it is, but as I grow and become stronger, it becomes more and more supportive in my goals and endeavors. I see and feel the same old world supporting and encouraging me to grow and become the new me, making the same old world a better place.
I am a sinner and fixed for the moment. I must start with continuous acceptance and continuous growth of myself. I must stand back and see my path or road to success as a road with both ups and downs. It is my road and I know I can grow and handle it:
The world.
Love myself and my capableness to grow whatever that is
for any and all possibilities, opportunities or things that are not yet known that I can grow into my life.
Love and compassion
Long Term Mother’s Eyes
I grow and the world becomes better
Object or Short term traveling, marketing, doing my path or road to success
Seeing and feeling the same old world supporting and encouraging me.
Catholics have confession. This is it! …. It's not a label. It’s not a stuckness. You confess to accept, forgive and release you from your stuckness. It’s a forgiveness. You are not to be stopped at wrong and stuck. I don’t think the Catholic’s real intent is stuckness: That is we are not to be wrong. We are not to be stuck and not to keep repeating and feeling bad about ourselves. The intent is to grow and be better and even amazing. The Lord is there supporting them. But He can’t accept the habit machine or person they are, to continue. It doesn’t work. But, they are not to be stopped at guilt or forced into doing nothing. They are to start, move forward and continue growing and traveling the road to success! This is a habit that must be practiced and developed. For some it is not easy.
The guilt feels too bad and the whole growth is blocked by not accepting this starting point. It’s ok. We are all babies, sinners and our sins have been forgiven and guilt must be gotten rid of, so that growth can occur. Guilt and sin must be forgiven so love can warm their amazingness and allow the growth only seen by a mother. Acceptance, forgiveness, thankfulness, Love and the eyes of a Mother that will allow the so very import dailly next step on the path to their most amazing and wonderful life.
Many people are stuck and many people don’t need to go to church or confession, as they don’t do anything. They are too afraid of being wrong and feeling guilty. They are trained to be right and can’t tolerate anything else. They are right and will defend their righteousness to the death. They are not wrong as the pain is just too much. The only way to avoid guilt is to not do anything. They can’t tolerate the road to success. The road to success is abundant failures, being wrong, sinning and only small wins that must be fervently held on to and put together for a success. We are afraid of all this failure, wrongness or sin. We all have a spirit and drive inside us. We have a drive to do, but the pain of being wrong and the training of feeling guilty is so great, we do nothing. …. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You are forgiven! Guilt is Dead! Train: You are forgiven! Teach and train: Guilt is dead. Wrong and remorse (guilt) is not a stuck, stopping point. You are forgiven, it is a starting point. With acceptance and forgiveness there is the possibility of thankfulness and love. From forgiveness, this starting point, everything is possible. The road to success is messy and most amazing. Your road is going to have a lot of cleaning up. Accept it! It’s Ok, it’s the way it is supposed to be: Acceptance, forgiveness, thankfulness, Love and the eyes of a Mother that will allow the so very import dailly next step on the path to your most amazing and wonderful life.
The world.
Love myself and my capableness to grow whatever that is
for any and all possibilities, opportunities or things that are not yet known that I can grow into my life.
Love and compassion
Long Term Mother’s Eyes
I grow and the world becomes better
Object or Short term traveling, marketing, doing my path or road to success
Seeing and feeling the same old world supporting and encouraging me.
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