I can’t stop the feeling! Feelings pop into my mind from triggers and machines I’m running. I can’t stop it unless I stop the machine or redesign the machine or adjust the triggers. How do we get these triggered feelings? How do they all work together? Read these words and see what pops into your mind:
Sports cars,
Office building,
I’m sure a picture of sorts popped into your mind with each word, but also a feeling or sense of each one as well. That sense, that feeling is trained. It actually helps lock in the aspects of the picture. That is the word “doctor” might evoke a sense of being smart and maybe a helper. “Teacher” might be an authority figure and someone who judges and tests you. A “puppy” might evoke a sense of warmth, soft, squirminess and helplessness. Can you really feel squirminess? Helplessness?
We humans eat a meal and it is good! But we have our favorite meals. They taste different. The spices, the juice, the texture, the color, the taste …… Chefs are all about getting all these things just right. When someone asks him for a “good” meal, he doesn’t know exactly what to do. He has many “good” meals he can make. He has mastered the balance of the ingredients for many special dishes.
Me, I’m just an OK cook, …. Not a chef, a cook. No gourmet meals from me. Not that I couldn’t, I’m just not trained. I can combine things so they taste ok, but not so they blow your socks off with flavor. But there are many areas where balance, combinations, sequencing of things plays an important role.
Words are the spices, textures and things that describe and stand for things in life. I’d like to have a good day. Would a “day chef” know what to cook up from that description or recipe? He has many different “good” days he could cook up. Me, I’m just an ok “day cook”, … not a “day chef”, a cook. No gourmet days from me. Not than I couldn’t, I’m just not trained. I don’t have the habit machines of a chef.
They have all these cooking shows with competitions, challenges, judging and prizes. They make amazing dishes, desserts or roach coach business within the limits and boundaries of the competition. What if there was the most amazing day for a friend competition. What if there was the most amazing training or learning challenge? What competition would you enter and win?
Getting to know a person to know what twinkles their palat is the key. To give them the gift of having their automatics rung such that they open the heavenly gates. You have to get past “good” or even “great”. It is the ecstatic balance of everything! The wondrous combinations. The timing, the color, the ……. ! You got it! You need to be “Chef” trained!
How was your day today? …… it was a day (blah, blah). What did you do on your vacation? …… nothing much. What are you going to do next year? …… Oh, I don’t know. Are you a “day Chef:? A vacation Chef? A year Chef? What were your spices? How much? When and in what combination? How long do you cook it? What is the timing, the dressing, the presentation?
What’s neat about a Chef is he was once a not so good cook. He just kept hanging in there, practicing and getting better. Every day he cooked up something. Sometimes it burned, sometimes it made him vomit, and sometimes he was in heaven. He practiced and practiced and practiced until he became a chef!
I remember when my kids were small, we would go on bike rides, hikes and skating adventures. Each time I tried to make them fun and exciting. My wife was the spice that really made the adventure dishes sing! I mainly used my experiences as a kid to guide me. I also looked around a bit and came up with a few ideas of my own. At some point my kids sort of took over the making it fun part. They watched Scooby Doo and the gang and they were a lot like that gang! They went out and cooked up their own adventures. They did it within the limits of what was available. They “Cheffed up” some amazing fun.
We have to know ourselves well enough to Chef up great days, weeks, years of life. My kids didn’t wait for it to come to them, they created it. I modeled it and they were involved. They looked at what was “spice” for them, what was available and started cooking. They took it away from me. They didn’t wait for me to give it to them. They knew what they liked to do, looked around and found within the limits how to do it and went for it. Even if it didn’t work out so great, they had a great time going for it. Can going for it really be almost as exciting as actually getting it! For them it was! OK, OK, OK …… clean up was not their strong points. But going for it, …was good. I’m happy with that! Chefs away!
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