I worked in Las Vegas, Nevada with a few people from New York. Yes, for me it was obvious they were from New York by their accent and mannerisms. It was like they had just come here from New York, it was so cultural! Then I found out they had lived in Las Vegas for over 20 years, almost thirty years. The were not Nevadans, they were New Yorkers and that was that.
A bad guy and a good guy were talking (on TV). The bad guy tells the good guy, he is just like him. He says you have a gun, I have a gun. You use force, I use force. You have a goal of justice, I have a goal of justice. …. and on and on. You are just like me! The good guy replies, “I am nothing like you!”
When you meet someone, you find out he likes comedy, just like you. His favorite comedian is yours. You are so excited and engaged and you become friends. You do things together, have fun together and everything is great!
When a stranger or new person comes into your life, you notice how he is different. He doesn’t drink coffee like me. He dresses different. He has a different way of talking and acting. He does one or two things you think are wrong or distasteful. You want to have nothing to do with him.
Did you know a monkey’s DNA is a 96% match to human DNA? WOW!?!? Is that good or bad? Are we Good guys or Bad guys? Are we friends or strangers? I know you probably don’t look at people and judge them like me. I see a person and I tell myself, he probably can do this and can’t do that. I see them as sort of fixed “things” or a creature of fixed habits. …. And well, for the moment, they are fixed things or fixed creature of habits, able to do somethings and not able to do others.
Now, I look at myself in the mirror and see me. I see my fixed self, able to do somethings and not others. I am who I am or my creature of habits are my habits. What about my potential or possibility? Do I see that? Do you know the trend? Is it looking good for me or not? Oh, that’s still looking at me as a fixed “item” and how well I will do in the changing future or my environment. I am a creature of fixed habits, it just who I am, because parents, schools and culture deal best with me that way. They trained me to be fixed. It works better.
This is because in schools they educate. This is good and powerful. It gives you a lot of ideas and ways you can use your fixed habits of your creature to be successful. If you get enough education you can really take your fixed creature or fixed habit machine and do something with it. WOW!
What if you could take your fixed creature of habit and grow it a little bit? Now schools don’t have the time or budget for this. The growing of a creature of habit is strictly up to the individual. But if you could train and grow your creature of habit, what would it mean? Now, your creature of habit would be able to use the knowledge even more. What if you could grow your creature of habit or build your habit machine even more and make it even more useful and powerful with the knowledge. Now, we are talking. Can you imagine amazing knowledge combined with an even greater creature of habit or habit machine.
So are we clear? Schools do not build the habit machine. Parents at some point give up on training the creature of habit. Society and your environment are so sly, they take over the job of training and building your creature of habit or habit machine for their benefit. They like this control over you. They can train you to buy things, do things, think certain ways and you don’t even know it’s doing it. Parents and school tried a little, but they have been trained with an “easy give up machine”. In fact society has put the training of the “easy give up machine” as a requirement in graduation. If you graduated from high school, you have been trained to give up easy, after one or two tries. It just makes for keeping you in line by society, easier.
So how do you responsible take over your training? How do you get in charge of building of your habit machine or creature of habit? You do want to be able to take more advantage of all that education they are stuffing in you, don’t you? Hey, we can even make getting, organizing, analyzing, implementing all that knowledge easier, by building or training a few new habits. That would be good, wouldn’t it? Now, we just have to take back our training and building of our machine. How do we do that?
Do you look in the mirror and see yourself fixed or stuck? Marketing is the first step. We just need to start seeing ourselves as trainable. Remember, we have been trained as fixed and to give up easy. So, let’s get a small doable (it will get past our easy give up machine) and train this easy doable thing. Brush your teeth every day. Floss. Mark an “X” on the calendar. Put your right shoe on first. Smile when you put your first shoe on. …. Make it easy and note it! “Awareness” of one very doable thing.
Marketing is used by the great coaches. They start with average players or worse and take them to champions. They catch their players doing the smallest things that champions do. Remember they “give up easy” ,,, and see themselves as fixed. Now their coach catches them for a split second being a champion. He makes them “Aware”. He had already painted the picture of a champion and told them about this “thing” and now he caught them doing it! WOW, it’s true. I have some champion in me and the player grows!
This coach has painted this picture and is very slowly training and building …….and catching or pulling this average player into the picture of a champion. The coach sees this player with training able to be the champion and he is going to keep catching him training and building and catching him becoming the champion. He keeps pulling him into the picture of a champion, until he is there!
Chimpanzees and humans are 96% match. Bad guy, good guy, there seems to be a lot of match, but both are very different things. It’s the little things that make the “HUGE” difference. Give up machine give up after just one or two tries shifted to >> 3 to 5 tries shifted to>> never give up. Catch yourself going for 3 tries and you are champion material. Start where you are and do the little “stretch” into the picture of you as a champion. What is that picture? Paint it for yourself and then catch yourself doing the littlest thing and pull yourself into that picture. Train, build, … it doesn’t happen by accident. When you look in the mirror, have a picture you are catching yourself stepping into. (remember road to success: abundant failure and a few insignificant little wins. Keep an eye! In the disaster is the little gem! … also, no disaster, no gem!)
When I look in the mirror at my body. I see myself as fat and getting fatter. WOW! I’m a champion “Fat” person. If I look in the mirror and I see the worked out muscle and tighter abs, I must be painting a “in shape” champion. The coach has to have the picture of the team and players he is training. Do you have a picture of the person you need to be to make your right now dreams come true. You have to have the picture and all the little important details that you can catch yourself training, building, and becoming. Getting the picture and the little, little, little capturing steps are the first part of training and building your habit machine and creature of habit.
Remember the New Yorker. 20 plus years and still a New Yorker, living in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are trained to be “fixed”. We are trained to give up responsibility and the training and building of our machine. The picture: you taking back responsibility and duties of training and building your habit machine. Build one doable habit, then another and another and keep catching yourself taking back control. Catch yourself building that little habit. Catch yourself painting the picture. Catch yourself being “Aware”. Catch yourself taking on the next growing step. Catch yourself as being like the great coaches. Catch yourself starting where you are at and growing and building from there.
Parents and schools have given up. Society wants you to give up. If you want your right now dreams, it's up to you. We creatures of habit all put on our trousers one leg at a time. We all eat, sleep and do stuff. We could be just like everybody else. It’s the little things that you will train and catch yourself doing that will take you to your dreams. Look at the next guy and say, “I am nothing like you!” The small percent difference is “HUGE”! I am building, me! I am special! I am unique, only if I paint my great picture, pay attention to the little things, train them, catch myself doing them and pull myself into my greatness little by little!
I’m trained to be fixed and give up my my responsibility and training to families, cultures, society, accidents and situations. It’s up to me to take it back. They won’t give up easy. It’s all in the training for creatures of habit or habit machines. Develop the picture, detail out the little important things, train, catch yourself doing them and slowly pull yourself into the greatness you pictured.
We often picture control as conscious control from moment to moment. This is just modulating the “fixed” habit machine we presently have. Building a new machine to consciously run, now that is real control. Going from go-kart to race car is “Huge” . Letting society and accidents control your habits and YOU controlling your own habit machine development feels and is so much different. Can you feel it? Can you see it? How will you train your creature of habit, build your habit machine?
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