Come in quietly, sit down and get ready to learn be programed. Follow direction and do as you are told. We, creatures of habit, are trained and programed by our parents, families, schools, churches, society, advertising, media, accidents, situations and more. That’s just it. We are creatures of habit and we are meant to be trained or programed on how to think, feel, experience and do. Deep breath, that’s just who we are. Now the only question is: Who do you want to program, train or build the habit machine you call you. Let’s hear their sales spiel.
We are purveyors of knowledge and inadvertent training in our schools. Knowledge is power! We also train “give up easy” and “labeling” as we are pressed for time and money and can only do so much with what we are given. We have curriculum and knowledge to cover. We will get it to you, the best we can. We limit the time and quality of exposure due to money and time constraints. That means we have to give up early and it may tend to rub off on your children.
We also grade and label students: once a C student, always a C student. We also inadvertently take all the responsibility for the students education and then give up and throw them to the wolves without any real responsibility training. We only spoon feed the kids, because the parents want us to. They feel their child is helpless and only if we spoon feed them will they get stronger.
We test, grade and label like the students are fixed with limited capabilities. We have to view the student as fixed as we have no time or money for training.. The idea that they are very capable and trainable doesn’t work with our easy give up and either. You get it or you don’t.
The concept of training and practice that is required by any road of success that has the normal abundant failure and little wins, … just takes too much time, commitment and money. We can’t be responsible for that. This growth idea has to happen on it’s own, like the biological growth or we can’t help. Study skills, reading skills, thinking skills we dabble in, but again, no time to really train, you either get it or you don’t. (PS give up easy, labeling, no responsibility, fixed or no growth mechanism, ….. Are not success principles)
Society is the purveyor of find a place and fit in. Society has a lot of people. We just need them to get along and do something productive. NO Rocking the Boat. Follow the rules or else. If you don’t know the rules, you soon will. Walk into McDonalds and try to go to the front of the line. Talk back to your boss or be late to work too often and see what happens. Don’t pay your rent. ….. And on and on with things that will soon become clear to you as the rules of society. Come into a family get together and forget to greet the proper people correctly and you will be informed. Cultures have their way of training you as well. Go in a business, a church, a get together and sit quietly and observe and feel the rules and pressure to follow the rules. We are trained. The triggers will exert a pressure on you to do what you have been trained to do. If not, you will find out and be trained to do things you are messing up with. These rules and ways of being have been passed on and passed down. Usually because they work, but work for who or what?
Accidents or situations are purveyor of variety. If I can handle it I like it and if I can’t handle it with my fixed machine, I don’t like it. I pay attention to the odds of a thing I like happening and put myself in that place. It’s an odds game. Luck, you know: It’s the luck of the draw, a game of odds. I guess, to get trained good, I hang around good stuff. So if I’m not lucky and get born into a bad family or situation, there is not much luck for me. If I get lucky to get a good family, I have a chance at a good life. Is this all just accidental? My luck of the time, situation, culture, society, family is it all just luck? How can I ever prepare for random accidental luck?
The chances of any of them, family, schools, society or luck building me into a person, a habit machine to take me to my Dreams is slim to non-existent. But it doesn’t matter as I’m not sure I really have any dreams, even though I know I am supposed to. But I’ve sort of been trained no one gets them, so what’s the big deal.
Dreams are a nice idea for kids in fantasy land, but we all have to grow and get real sometimes. We are creatures of habit and trained by people and things that could care less about our dreams. We don’t have a chance. Get real, no one and no thing is going to train you or build you into a machine to take you to your dreams. No use spending valuable time and energy working on them when you could do drugs, alcohol, shop, work, ...or any of a number of more enjoyable escape activity, …. That’s the training.
That’s what we creatures of habit do: we get capture or consumed by the activities that we find most rewarding at the time. Going for your dreams is not rewarding the way we are trained. Going for your dreams with a give up easy, no responsible, stuck, fixed or label habit machine is just not very rewarding.
I am well trained. I fit in and feel very stuck there. I let “them” be responsible and make all the rules and I am a good boy. Yes, I feel helpless and incapable. I am very smart and well educated, I just don’t know what to do with it. I’ve read a million books on being thin and I’m fat. I can’t get myself to do what I am supposed to do. I’ve studied sales and business, but with my give up easy machine, I couldn’t make them happen.
I know the only one that will make me successful is me. I am the only one that can develop myself to take me to my dreams. It looks like a hopeless cause, unless I develop a responsibility machine. I need to step back and see I can be capable and responsible at some level and start there.
The road to success says I will mess up a lot. Abundant times I will give up all or part of the responsibility and blame someone or something else. But that’s ok, as long as I keep coming back and seeing the little bit that I I did, whether it worked or not, is a little win. I’ve got to step back and see the road to success is not all wins. The road to success is abundant failures and just a few little wins. I’ve have to hang on to that little win or bit of responsibility and go for it again. I need to give myself homework and practice to power myself down this road.
I can start small. It’s Ok. It’s not where you start, but where you end up. Maybe be responsible for making my bed, keeping my car clean, getting to work on time, …. take on a small project at work that nobody wants, …. start a small business or project on the side. This practice and training of me intentionally making things happen will let me build my responsibility machine.
My get to the end of the road machine, ... the hang in there machine, … the hit the deadline or goal machine, ...the hard to give up machin…. I must train. These habit machines will be trained to deal with abundant failures and just little wins. I must hang onto the little wins and build with them. I must be persistent. Persistence, just as President Calvin Coolidge stated, gets you down the road of success and let’s you handle the abundant failure and little wins. If I persist and keep going and build upon these little wins, the road will lead to success.
I have to train myself to make training and practice intrinsically “rewarding” in itself. Rewards as pride in myself, honor, hang in there when it was tough, making little accomplishments mean something, the feeling of being responsible and being in control. I’ve got to be excited and give myself homework, practice and training. It powers the persistent machine. I am responsible for training and growing myself.
My growth identity or machine is so sensitive. My friends that know me, tease me: “keep telling yourself, your that superhero guy!” and then laugh. But that’s it, I need to keep catching myself doing the little wins and for that moment, see myself as that superhero guy. Just for a moment, then back to work. Just like kids playing “they are adults”, in little pretends every now and again, until they are one. I am a very capable and trainable, as good as a kid! I am going to catch myself building and doing the little things that are going to take me to my dreams.
by President Calvin Coolidge
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
. We are creatures of habit and we will be trained. At the moment we feel stuck and fixed. If we step back, we can see that we can responsible take charge of our training. Since we all come into the world helpless, this conversion to responsibility must be trained. You got that? Responsibility, I need to train myself to be responsible for training and developing myself..
We are captured by habits or activities that are rewarding. To control our growth, we must make our growth rewarding. (If it is painful or non-rewarding we will avoid growth. We need to make our growth rewarding). Training is not black and white, there is abundant failure and just little wins that must be made exciting and rewarding. That’s right, step back and see the failures as the sign, the amazing rewarding indicator, you are on the road to success. They are good, if not amazing! Gather the little wins and make something of them, make this rewarding. Catch yourself being on the road to success, be proud of yourself, feel your control, and sensing your on the road to your goals and dreams. I spend the time and energy to make my training, practice and road to success rewarding. Only I can be responsible to get me to my dreams. Practice and training little steps makes the bigger steps go faster and to do that I need to be responsible to make my practice and training rewarding.
Train responsibility. Train how amazing the road to success is with it’s abundant failures and little wins. Train we are capable and be amazed and proud. Train, everyday, and make it rewarding (pride, honor, accomplishment, staying on the road to success). Train you are lucky it won’t happen overnight, so you can enjoy the journey! Train patiently. Train Persistently. Be determined and persistent, they are huge, huge, huge things! Maybe OMNIPOTENT!
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