The alarm goes off and my robot is in action. Off with the alarm, up and out of bed, march to the bathroom, turn on the warm water, go to the bathroom, wash the sleep out of my eyes with warm water, directly to the kitchen, turn on the heat and start breakfast. I’m awake and I am moving!ing. I’m on target for the day! Wait! Wait! You might be saying. Are you human? Do you really do that?
The alarm goes off and you think and grumble, “So soon.” You automatically think, am I tired? I am, I am so tired and notice how warm it is here. I could sleep so much more, think.. Do I really have to get up, I think and wonder? (my subconscious responds with, “You could just rest here a bit a get up in 5 minutes, then you will feel rested. Go ahead, snuggle up just a few minutes longer.) I hit the snooze. Again. Again. I finally get out of bed dragging. What do I have to do today. Do I have time for breakfast? No, I’ll grab a coffee before I go in.
Could you imagine if your car started like that. You turn the key and a little light comes on, not ready to start, come back in 5 minutes. This happens a few times, then it lumbers and chugs and sounds out of tune. A dim light comes on the dash, coffee additive, and a funny sounds starts; you know this needs to be attended to if it is going to drive.
Let's check out some contrasting comparisons:
It’s the last seconds of the basketball game. You are tied. You are a good free throw shooter and you are at the line. You start your free throw routine (machine), you look at the net, set your stance, get a grip, slide into your rhythm and shoot. … all net and you win the game.
It’s the last seconds of the basketball game. You are tied. You are a good free throw shooter and you are at the line. “What if I miss? you think. What will they say? Can I make this? How do I do this? Think! You start your free throw routine (machine), you look at the net, set your stance, you hear the crowd, you think what if I disappoint them? you get a grip, slide into your rhythm, is this it? You feel your wet hands and pounding heart, I think this is it, I can’t feel it, you shoot. … off the front of the rim and the game is up for grabs.
A. You are at work and your nemesis attacks. You deflect and counter attack with precision. He is hit, but only slightly. He fires back as he slips. He’s quick, but not for your agile response deflects right back at him and he is hit with his own shot! He’s down!
B. You are at work and your nemesis attacks. What should I do, you think. Too late, you are mortallywonded and out. In your social hospital bed you come up with the perfect deflection and counter attack! Too late! It’s over!
Your the best man at the wedding! It’s time for the toast and to tear this guy down naked, then bring him back to life and Crown him the King, the most superhuman perfect guy for his bride and family. You pull out all the stops, you’ve practiced this 100 times, all the women are going to love you. You’ve got him groveling, being saved by his maiden. She can’t do it alone and together with this hero they save the day. They are loving it! The brides is all a glow, the family approving and everyone applauds. WOW! Did I just do that? Unconscious!
Your the best man at the wedding! It’s time for the toast and to tear this guy down naked, then bring him back to life and Crown him the King, the most superhuman perfect guy for his bride and family. UUUhhhh. Raise your glasses. Think, think, think, what should I say? Please join me in toasting to this wonderful couple.
A. You are taking a math test! 100 questions. Ready go! You read a problem, know what to do and do it, check quickly and next. Next …. Next. The hum of the answers just being spit out seems so smooth and even. Scan back at the test and you are the 1st one done with 100%.
B. You are taking a math test! 100 questions. Ready go! You read a problem, and think, what kind of problem is this? Think about your options, decide on an approach. You think, how do you do this type of problem? Is it this first or that, you think? Now you’ve got it. Ok solved, quick check and next. Next, next, ….. Next and time is up. You almost got them all, but you did miss all the ones you didn’t even try or have time for. Your the last one out and you barely pass the test.
Not only are my results better, but so is my experience of life. … but I have to set it up. I can produce all those great results …. and … feel some great emotions. I can set it up mechanically or I can set it up filled with experiences, satisfying experiences.
When Mom makes her famous chocolate chip cookies, they are packed with love. Packed with love for the family, but also for Mom. When she runs her practiced chocolate chip cookie machine, each of the special ingredients, timing and mixings is locked in with a love of her children experience attached to that element of the cooking as her mechanical machine does the job.
When a basketball player nails his shot, the move has a special finesse, it feels good. The height on the shot touches the heavens for him. Before it snaps through the net, the followthrough and sureness of the shot explode with pride and confidence. These experiences are attached to the machine and lock in key aspects of the move or shot.
Strategies over days, weeks and months have locked in experience that power the endurance and execution such that at the end of the day, week or month there is a feeling of sureness, pride, perfection and rightness of everything. The plan, the timing, the strategy and execution is perfect. The experience is attached to the machinery and locks in the key aspects of the project or goal.
So back to the alarm. No thinking! I want results and I want experience. I have to train it in the machine. The alarm goes off and my robot is in action. Off with the alarm (flash exciting things strategized from the nite before, Yes! Confidence, challenge and pride build.), up and out of bed, march to the bathroom (confidence grows), turn on the warm water, go to the bathroom, wash the sleep out of my eyes with warm water (the sense of your first accomplishment explodes with clever strategies), directly to the kitchen, turn on the heat and start breakfast (A great day flashes before you!). I’m awake and I am moving!ing. I’m on target for the day (“Captain!” Balance and on target check!).!
Now, you don’t have to do this. It’s totally up to you. Society, culture, friends would gladly design and train you how to feel: Alarm goes off, you feel tired and picture a bad day. Hey, the status quo, most of society, culture and friends are not going to set you up for success. They want it to stay the same and you not to bother them. They will train you to be unprepared and confused as it really doesn’t matter to them. Automatics that work for you or just are, experience that are worthwhile and meaningful or experience that are mundane and common.
Automatic, natural is so good! I just am who I is! Homework? Thinking! Figuring it out, preparing, practicing, getting it on automatic, I only do that if I’m trying to get ahead. That is a lot of work, especially if you are not used to doing it. Is moving from good to great results and amazing experience of life good enough reasons for me to activate that old “homework” machine? Practice and prepare machine? Thinking, strategizing, planning machine? I know I barely got them working when I was in school, but maybe now it’s worth it?
Life happens fast. I often don’t have any real time to think. That’s good, if I’ve set it up, prepared and trained myself and my automatics. Now, I can just be me, natural and confident me.
In real estate they tell you to learn the scripts. It’s more than just the words, It’s how you say and feel them, …. And you have to practice them until they are on automatic. It has to be on automatic, natural. All the sports know their player must react properly in an instant. Yes, automatics, but just like in real estate, it how they are performed and felt that makes all the difference. Acting, teaching, surgery, most everything…… plus getting up with an alarm, needs some designed automatics trained. It not just what you do, but how you do it and feel it! Trained and practiced automatics make all the difference. Trained and practice automatic designed to support you in your goals.
Automatics that work for you, will come from the homework you give yourself. Hey, no one else is going to give you this homework They are going to say, “take it easy!” “you don’t have to really do it!” …. But then they probably don’t want the life you want. What you get out of life and what you experience in life is a direct relationship to the person you become. It's your automatics, no thinking, automatic! When you let go and just be you, it who you naturally are. Train and practice them, so you can be proud.
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