I am Patrick Joe Conner, author of two books: Habit Captain and Worthwhile New Year's Resolution and Goals. This Habit Captain website and blog is all about getting in control of our habit power. Habits are our natural control point. Habit formation and deletion have frustrated many of us. Habit machines and development are at a state, not much past Pavlov's dog . It is still in it's infancy as computers power in our phones would previously fill whole buildings. There is much to learn and discover.
Habit development and training has some social stigmas and cultural blocks. T raining seems to be for animals, not humans. "Don't train me! I am my own person. I'm human, not some animal." No one wants to be controlled and manipulated, yet we are controlled, due to our ignorance and haughty bliss.
It also has the challenge as they are automatics that are hard to see and be aware of. They seem only to visible by the results. The individual, if they pay attention, can sense these machines working. We are promoting this individual control, that let's the individual person get control of their life through their own habit growth and development.
Building, modifying or adjusting habit machines is very difficult for most. This has stopped many people from taking charge of their lives. The biggest challenge seems to be they didn't have the tools or machines to make or build these habit machines. Tools like hammers, wrenches, drill guns all make building possible, where before it might have been impossible to do. Most of us don't have the tools to make habits, so creating and developing habits is very hard, if not impossible. This website is dedicated to help people get the tools and get control of their lives through habit development. We will be addressing how to get the tools, design and build machines and even combining and using the machinery.