J. Habit Development and Training
We are not Gold Miners, we are creatures of habit. We only do what is immediately rewarding, period. We don’t search through tons of dirt to get something rewarding. We do what is rewarding now. Creatures of habit do what is rewarding,and try to do that again. Most of us lead sad lives of going from biological reward to biological reward. We go from food to more food to maybe sex, sleep and do it again. It's what we find rewarding. We might get a random reward of uniqueness while watching TV,...
Too often when I talk to kids who graduate from college, I hear: “I don’t know”. I had asked, “What are you going to do with all that education? They don’t know or say something menial or average as, “I guess, I’ll get a job.” They want to get hired by someone who will tell them what to do with their education. They have no clue, no experience, no training and probably no education on what to do with knowledge. Knowledge is power! Now, that is a big bunch of puck! Knowledge is...
What habit machine are we going to build? Yes, we are all set up with our Captain. We have initiated our Values, Dreams and Goals machinery. We have our Habit Making Machines tooled up and ready to go. We have of Self Imagine and World Beliefs supporting our goals (I am capable and the world is ready to help). We’ve initiated the Journey machinery. We are all set and the first thing we run into is a snag, a problem, an obstacle, one of the stupid things in life. How do you deal with stupid,...
Children, I know you blame me and you have every right. I apologize. I meant to train you, raise you to be the person who could go out there and take on the world, …… but I didn’t. I guess, I failed you. I really didn’t ever figure out how to take on the world myself. How was I ever supposed to train someone else to do it. I don’t know how to train either. I never even trained a dog to sit. What was I thinking I could train you successfully. I should have gotten the clue I needed...
The alarm goes off and my robot is in action. Off with the alarm, up and out of bed, march to the bathroom, turn on the warm water, go to the bathroom, wash the sleep out of my eyes with warm water, directly to the kitchen, turn on the heat and start breakfast. I’m awake and I am moving!ing. I’m on target for the day! Wait! Wait! You might be saying. Are you human? Do you really do that? The alarm goes off and you think and grumble, “So soon.” You automatically think, am I tired? I am,...
Many people are very capable of doing the right thing, but they don’t. They may even know the right thing to do, but they can’t get themselves to do it. They may be very capable of savings and investing for their brighter future and they can’t get themselves to do it. They may know what to do to be healthy, trim and fit and here they are fat, sickly and out of shape. They may want desperately to be great parents, but everything is so overwhelming and confusing. They may have tremendous...
Superheroes defying the limits, restrictions and constraints of this world are so appealing. But we do have limits, restrictions and constraints. Babies are born and they are so beautiful. They become young children and wonder if they are important, do they count, will their voices be heard, will they be loved, will they make a difference. Parents, school's and friend tell them they are important, they count and are heard, they are loved and make a difference, but are they? With all the limits,...
What are you setting yourself up to be captured by? We creatures of habit are always looking to be captured by rewarding things. Once we creatures of habit are captured by a rewarding activity, we keep repeating it until it stops being rewarding, then we look for the next habit to be captured by. Strategies, plans, triggers, disciplines are the things that interrupt one capture from the next. If there is no interruption, the activity goes on and on. We are sleeping and our alarm interrupts and...
Zig Ziglar, a famous speaker, told a story about a daughter questioning her mother’s cooking. She said, “Mom, why do you cut the end off the roast?” Mom said, “I don’t know for sure, I just know you are supposed to, because Grandma taught me to do it that way.” She asked grandma, “Grandma, why did you teach Mom to cut the end of the roast off?” Grandma replied, “Honey, my pan was very small and the roast wouldn’t fit.” We do so many things that were important once, but no...
We are sinners and “fixed” for the moment. The past is done and over and we are who we are, right now. Deep breath, relax and forgive. Accept you are who you are, right now. Life is as it is, right now. Deep breath, relax, and let it be, it has to be that way! Accept and forgive yourself. Life has to be as it is, all the people in your life have to be as they are, they are habit machines, creatures of habit. They are trained to be, to intend and to do as they do. They are creatures of...